Truth Restoration Ministries

Under Construction!  


Truth Restoration Ministries started in 2008 and has been in operation for the last 2 years. It is a registered Community Development Organization operating in Jinja District, Eastern Uganda with its head quarters in Jinja Town, Plot 21, Iganga Road. This Organization was founded by Ms. Fiona Nairuba Violet with the help of volunteers to reach out to street kids, orphans, vulnerable children, widows and the elderly.

It was set up to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the act of charity and generous giving to the poor and unprivileged. (Deut 15:7). 


There are so many children on the streets due to different reasons such as domestic violence, death of parents, harsh treatment to the children, and homelessness due to poverty but the life on the streets is not the best for kids. On the streets they learn different evils like pick pocketing, sniffing of drugs, fighting etc. They are also faced with a problem of bad weather, diseases like malaria, jiggers, they face being beaten, used by thieves, sexually abused, hunger etc which endangers their lives.


We have the challenge to inspire these children to get off the streets by coming up with a rehabilitation programme. These children need to be mothered, given a shoulder to cry on and new hope to live a reclaimed life. 



Almost in all Africa, many children have been orphaned due to the deadly disease HIV/AIDS, death of parents by accidents due to poor roads and other causes. But the biggest percentage is attributed to the wide spread poverty within the communities, often causing people to die pre mature deaths because of lack of access to proper medical care and safe water.

When parents die, they leave behind children with no one to take care of them, where in most cases these children run to the streets. Others who are taken in the care of guardians will be mistreated by them, will lack education and proper care which affects the children.

Other children come from poor families where the parents or guardians cannot afford basic necessities like; proper housing, good feeding, medical care or education due to the burden of poverty.

Truth Restoration Ministry assumes the task to reach out with a helping hand to such children by reaching out to them, showing them love spiritually, morally and physically.


There are so many widows all around, some are HIV/AIDS positive, and they have been left with the responsibility to take care of the children but with no job or properties left by the husband after death are deprived of the widows by relatives. This makes them susceptible to suffering. This is more common in the rural communities.

Single mothering on the hand is common among the community that is the reason why this ministry has come out to reach to such people with a helping hand.

These widows and single mothers have children but no school fees, medication and proper shelter.

Truth restoration ministry needs to work hand in hand with you to raise the standards of these poor mothers by providing opportunities for them to earn an income or assistance in education their children.


Assistance to the elderly people in the community inform of gifts, proper housing, and medical care.


To extend God’s love to the hurting, spiritually, emotionally and physically


A ministry which can mobilize and sensitize the communities in supporting and caring for the orphans of Aids victims, vulnerable children, women, widows, prisoners, hospital out reach and the elderly by providing an alternative atmosphere where they can enjoy their lives.

Designed by Herbert: +256 775 961047